You Are Exalted

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These are songs written and ministered by the Loveworld Singers at the Praise Night With Pastor Chris.


You are exalted
High above the heavens
You are exalted
Oh Ancient of days
You are exalted
Great God of glory
You are exalted
Oh Ancient of days
You are exalted oh Lord
In all the earth
We lift up our voice and say
You are exalted above all gods
We lift up our voice and sing
You are exalted in our lives
High above all nations
Your glory above the heavens
Who is like unto you oh Lord
Who sits on high
You are exalted on high
Oh Lord our God
Exalted on high
Exalted on high
Above all creation
The whole earth trembles
At your presence oh God
The Lord most High
The mountains quake
Before your presence oh God
The Lord most high

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