In You I Live

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These are songs written and ministered by the Loveworld Singers at Praise Night With Pastor Chris.


What manner of love is this
You sacrificed your life,
You died for me
You proved your love
Thinking about the length you went
And the victories you wrought in hell for me
I’m grateful, Lord
For i was crucified with you
Even though I live
It’s no longer I who lives
And I am fused as one with you
This life I live
Unconsciously n’ consciously
Oh Lord, in you, I live
By your faith, I live, oh Lord my God
In you, I live and move and have my being
In your name, I live, oh Lord my God
Verse 2
Every day of my life on earth
Is the manifestation of your finished works in me
It’s all by your grace
I keep fighting the fight of faith
‘Cause all you did for me was not in vain
I’m grateful, Lord
For i was crucified with you
Even though I live
It’s no longer I who lives
And I am fused as one with you
This life I live
Unconsciously n’ consciously
Oh Lord, in you, I live
By your faith, I live, oh Lord my God
In you, I live and move and have my being
In your name, I live, oh Lord my God
For the Law of life in you, Lord Jesus
Made me free
From death and the law of sin
The law of life in you, Lord Jesus
Made me free
To live for you in victory

i love 💕 this one

lyrics please

lyrics please

Please Can you add the lyrics of the songs. Thank you

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