We Bring You Healing

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These are songs written and ministered by the Loveworld Singers at Healing Streams Live Healing Services With Pastor Chris.


Your hopes have been dashed
Now you are in despair
Now, every sunset seems like the last

Memories of your life
Flash like pictures before you
Your mind, weighed down by sorrow
Knowing you’ve tried and cried

But there’s a name
Proven and tried
Never fails, No, it never fails

The name of Jesus
Has power to heal and save
At the sound of it, the pains will be gone

In Jesus’ name, you will be healed
This is the moment you have been waiting for

No matter what the case may be
The healing power of God
Will make alive every fibre of your being

In Jesus’ name, you will be healed
This is the moment you have been waiting for

No matter what the case may be
The healing power of God
Will make alive every fibre of your being

We bring you healing in His Name

It doesn’t matter how long you have suffered
All that matters is that God loves you
And He wants you well

More than you could ever desire
And His presence is right where you are

There’s a name
Proven and tried
Never fails, No, never fails

The name of Jesus
Has power to heal and save
At the sound of it, the pains will be gone

In Jesus’ name, you will be healed
This is the moment you have been waiting for

No matter what the case may be
The healing power of God
Will make alive every fibre of your being

We bring you healing in His Name
We bring you healing in His Name

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