Woman With The Issue Of Blood

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These are songs written and ministered by the Loveworld Singers at Healing Streams Live Healing Services With Pastor Chris.



She was broken hearted
And living in pain
Wondering what life would be
In the coming days


She had been to many places
through the years without help
Nothing could stop her bleeding
for twelve agonizing years

Then she heard the Master Jesus
Was in town
If I May touch the hem of His garment
I Shall be made whole

So, she pushed through the crowd
By faith she reached out
And touched the hem of the Master’s garment
And instantly she was healed


The Master is here
To take away your pain
His presence is here in this place
To heal you right where you are
Just believe, receive
And you will be made whole
Just believe, receive
And you will be made whole

Verse 2

You may have been on that wheel chair
For a long time
You may have been bed ridden
For too many years


I bring you good news
The Lord Jesus is here
You can have that miracle
That you desire

Verse 3

The doctors may have said
you won’t make it one more day
Now your time is running out
you’re in desperation


There is good news for you
The life giver is here
You don’t have to die,
Just look up and live


The Master is here
To take away your pain
His presence is here in this place
To heal you right where you are
Just believe, receive
And you will be made whole
Just believe, receive
And you will be made whole

Take every doubt away from your heart
Keep your eyes on Him
Receive the brand-new life
The Lord Jesus has for you

Just believe

The Master is here

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