There's A Miracle For You

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These are songs written and ministered by the Loveworld Singers at Healing Streams Live Healing Services With Pastor Chris.


In this place, the blind eyes see

The deaf hear and the lame walk
It doesn't matter how long you've lived
With the pain that has held you bound

God's power is here to heal you now
His light will shine through your darkest night,
Everything YOU'VE lost will be restored
There's a miracle for you


Anything is possible in Jesus' name,
Where you are
Anything is possible in Jesus' name,
Where you are


Right where you are the power of the Lord
Will flow through your body
You will be made whole again

The health and strength you've lost
Will be restored in the name of Jesus
This is your moment,
It's your day

There's a miracle for you

God's power is here to heal you now
His light will shine through your darkest night,
Everything you've lost will be restored
There's a miracle for you


Anything is possible in Jesus' name,
Where you are
Anything is possible in Jesus' name,
Where you are


Right where you are the power of the Lord
Will flow through your body
You will be made whole again
The health and strength you've lost
Will be restored in the name of Jesus
This is your moment,
It's your day
There's a miracle for you

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