The Air Of Your Presence

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These are songs written and ministered by the Loveworld Singers at the Praise Night With Pastor Chris.


Verse 1

The air of your presence is all I breathe
For I dwell in your glorious presence
Your loving power flows through my being
Most holy God, I love you, Lord
With every word formed by your breath in me
I offer my incense of thanksgiving to you
With lifted hands and a grateful heart

My sacrifice of praise I bring to you, Lord


You're the glorious God
The most beautiful and most amazing
You're the loving God
Who holds eternity in His breath
The most gracious and Father of spirits
You are holy, oh, most high
Heavenly Father
You are awesome

Verse 2

You are the vine and the branch I am
A reflection of you, Lord Jesus
So sweet and divine is your life in me
It makes me blossom and flourish
I bear your glory and beauty, oh Lord

As I thrive in the courtyard of your presence
The splendour of your holiness
That shine in and through me never ends


You're the glorious God
The most beautiful and most amazing
You're the loving God
Who holds eternity in his breath
The most gracious and Father of spirits
You are holy, oh most high
Heavenly Father
You are awesome


You're the source of life,
The wellspring of my life
And the air I breathe each day

I dwell in the chambers of your most holy place

Where I am refreshed by your word within my soul

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Oh God, you are holy


You're the glorious God
The most beautiful and most amazing
You're the loving God
Who holds eternity in his breath
The most gracious and Father of spirits
You are holy, oh most high
Heavenly Father
You are awesome

Heavenly Father
You are holy

Heavenly Father
You are awesome

Beautifully Divine



Amazing song

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