Everlasting God

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These are songs written and ministered by the Loveworld Singers at Praise Night With Pastor Chris.


You’re the great and mighty God
You are King, You are Lord of all
You’re the great and mighty God
There’s no other name above Your name

Everlasting God You are
Your name is established in all the earth
Glorious God You are
Loving Father that’s who You are

With our hands lifted up in adoration to You
We proclaim Your name in all the earth
We have seen Your mighty name
Do great and might things
Lord, Your name is highly exalted
Everlasting God You are
Your name is established in all the earth
Glorious God You are
Loving Father that’s who You are

Everlasting God You are
Your name is established in all the earth
Glorious God You are
Loving Father that’s who You are

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