Your Faithfulness Is For All Generations

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These are songs written and ministered by the Loveworld Singers at the Praise Night With Pastor Chris.


Hallelujah, Hallelujah
To Your Majesty

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
To Your Majesty

Extravagant is Your love
You’re the strong and breasted one
You are wonderful in every way

Your mercy extends,
Through the ages to every man
Lord, as we proclaim Your name
Every knee shall bow,
Every tongue confess,
You are Lord

Oh Lord, the heavens tell of Your glory
Oh Lord, the earth displays Your victories

Oh, oh Lord
Your mighty works proclaim from endless past
That Your faithfulness is for all generations

Oh Lord, the heavens tell of Your glory
Oh Lord, the earth displays Your victories

Oh, oh Lord
Your mighty works proclaim from endless past
That Your faithfulness is for all generations

Oh, King, who lives forever
Mighty are Your ways
And Your mercies are endless
You’re the one who rules in the heavens

The nations are Yours
And the earth is Your possession
You are the wisdom of the just
And the peace of the righteous

Oh Lord, the heavens tell of Your glory
Oh Lord, the earth displays Your victories

Oh, oh Lord
Your mighty works proclaim from endless past
That Your faithfulness is for all generations

You’re the faithful witness
The One whose lordship is ageless
For all times and through all generations

The fadeless glory of heaven
The timeless treasure of earth

Lord, to You be all the glory
honour and dominion
and power, forever

Oh Lord, the heavens tell of Your glory
Oh Lord, the earth displays Your victories

Oh, oh Lord
Your mighty works proclaim from endless past
That Your faithfulness is for all generations

Oh Lord, the heavens tell of Your glory
Oh Lord, the earth displays Your victories

Oh, oh Lord
Your mighty works proclaim from endless past
That Your faithfulness is for all generations

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