There's A Miracle For You Today

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These are songs written and ministered by the Loveworld Singers at Healing Streams Live Healing Services With Pastor Chris.


There was a woman in the Bible
Who had an issue of blood for twelve years
She suffered in shame
One day, she heard that Jesus was passing by

She touched the Hem of His garment
And she was made whole

As it was, in the Bible, so it is now
Every sickness and disease will leave your
body today.
This is your time, You will be healed
So fix Your gaze on Jesus
You’ll have your miracle

There’s a miracle for you today
It doesn’t matter what you’re going through
The blind will see and the deaf will hear today
In the name of Jesus Christ

He loves you more
Than you could ever know
His love is perfect,
and it takes away every fear
He loves you more than you could ever know

He loves you more than you could ever know
His love is perfect,
and it takes away every fear
He loves you more than you could ever know

There’s a miracle for you today
It doesn’t matter what you’re going through
The blind will see and the deaf will hear today
In the name of Jesus Christ

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